


ACTFL is expanding its team of presenters by supporting and mentoring our third cohort of Facilitators-in-Training (适合). From the many who responded to the open invitation to join ACTFL as a workshop presenter, ACTFL选择了五位教育工作者进入这个演讲管道. They bring diverse perspectives and backgrounds in the levels (K-16) and languages (法国, 普通话, 西班牙语)教. The FITs now begin their individual journeys through several stages: shadowing ACTFL presenters (joining in scheduled workshops and helping with small group/breakout room discussions), 与经验丰富的ACTFL辅导员进行个性化辅导, 联合主持ACTFL工作坊(有导师反馈), and leading workshops during an initial period supported with a mentor. The process focuses on deepening each presenter’s content background, 促进策略, 通过与导师的合作提高演讲技巧, 与FIT小组建立联系, 以及个人反思. Please join us in congratulating our five new FITs and be on the lookout for our next call for applications in November/December 2024!

2024 FIT队列

黎明F. Stinchcomb普渡大学西班牙语西拉斐特,印第安纳州



Jen贺朋的 is the World 语言 Department Chair and a Middle and Upper School 法国 teacher at 路易斯维尔大学学校 in Kentucky. 而主要是在初中和高中水平的教学, she has also taught all grade levels between Kindergarten through College-level 法国. 珍在世界语言社区非常活跃. She has served on the Kentucky World 语言 Association board as treasurer, 当选总统, 和总统. Jen was Kentucky World 语言 Teacher of the year in 2018 and received the Dorothy S. Ludwig Excellence in 教学 award from the American Association of Teachers of 法国 in 2023. 自2018年以来,她一直是AAPPL团队的项目作者.

黎明F. Stinchcomb


黎明F Stinchcomb (she/her/ella/ela) is an Associate Professor of 西班牙语 and Latin American literature in the School of 语言s and Cultures at 普渡大学. 专攻非裔拉丁美洲文学和文化的, 她的研究重点是性别问题, 种族, and cultural identity within the concept of national identity in Cuba. 除了她目前的项目,她还出版了一本专著,名为: 紧急的话, 强制沉默:黑人行动主义, 古巴黑人出版社, 以及古巴公民身份的成本, 这就揭示了19世纪的影响th-century Black Cuban press and the unfinished business of the independence period—to bring equality and equity to Black Cuban citizens—upon the 21st 世纪,教授. Stinchcomb is currently working to develop a teaching methodology that will include inclusive and equitable teaching practices and combine critical pedagogy for teaching literature to undergraduates in the World 语言 classroom.


Francoix Thenoux

Françoise is an (en route) ABAR educator, decolonial scholar and educational activist. She is a 种族ized immigrant who has spoken about the struggles and complexities of identity at The Race Institute and The Barnes Foundation.

她有一个M. 幼儿教育和基础教育. 她认为培养批判意识(conscientizacao) should start at an early age and should be accessed and championed through decolonial praxis and equitable, 性别包容, 巴尔课程. For her, languages have the potential to be windows to perspectives, and bridges of understanding.

She has over twenty years of experience in the educational field. 她教过多种课程:ESL课程 , English immersion to 西班牙语 or English as a second language in both Elementary and Higher levels. She is aware of the challenges that educators and students face in the day to day school life and she aims to cover different needs and engage in meaningful dialogue with her audience.

她目前是一名演说家, 一名翻译, 一个作家, 资源的创造者, 内容创建者, 教师学习经验的推动者, 还有一个顾问.



Ms. 贝张 holds a Bachelor's degree in 语言 Education and a Master’s degree in Asian Studies. She has been teaching Chinese since 2006 and has specialized skills in creation/development of secondary school and university Chinese language programs. In addition to being a Modern Classroom Expert Mentor and Distinguished Modern Classroom Educator, 贝是世界语言系主任(6-12年级), 国际学生联合主任, 在Westtown学校担任首席语文老师. She actively engages in professional development programs organized by ACTFL, 现代教室项目, StarTalk, NECTFL, FM-iFLT, CLTA, 和类. Bei is 一个作家 of numerous publications and presenter at national and regional conferences on Chinese language teaching methodology and leadership. Some of her hobbies include traveling around the world with her husband, 享受美食, 和她的小猫玩耍.



贾斯汀张 is a dedicated educator specializing in language teaching, 教育技术, 以及教学设计. He holds dual MAs, one in Applied Linguistics, another in 语言 教学, and a Ph.D. 教育技术. 在美国(亚利桑那州)被认可为注册教师, 伊利诺斯州, 和威斯康辛州)和英国(QTS), Justin takes on the role of a workshop leader and examiner for various international curricula, 包括IB, IGCSE, 和高级水平. He is currently the schoolwide Head of Chinese at an international school in 香港, transmitting to be an Assistant Professor and IB Educator Certificate (IBEC) Director at a university in South Korea. His career also includes teaching English and Chinese in Beijing and Barcelona, and he is now serving on the NEASC and WASC school accreditation committees and contributing to academic journals as a researcher and reviewer.